Sunday, July 26, 2015

Wild magic sorcerer variant: astro-mage

As much as the idea of the wild magic sorcerer really got me excited when I read the 5E PHB, I found the D100 list of Random effects to be not quite what I was looking for. I'm not sure if it was just not quite thematic enough for me or if some of the effects were just too off-the-wall. So when one of my players chose the class I made up a d100 list of my own themed around a fantasy zodiac. The idea was that the caster is born under a particular astrological sign which allows them access at random times to bursts of cosmic energy. There are ten signs each with ten effects which are as follows:
The Ram
1,2, glowing horns appear on your head for d6 rounds doing d10+2 bludgeoning damage, attack with proficiency 
3,4, you can see invisible creatures for 10 minutes 
5,6, a bright light shines out from your mouth in a 20' cone doing 3d6 radiant damage, save for half 
7,8,9, you hear a deafening rumble of hooves, everyone save versus thunder or take d10+caster level damage 
10, A star appears in your hand throw it at an enemy to blind them, range 80'
The Fence
11,12, for the next minute at a wall of smoke pops up around you to block any magical attack
13,14, you find yourself able to speak and understand any language for one hour
15,16, healing surge, 5 hp regain for 5 rounds
17,18,19, advantage on saving throws against spells, manifested through a twinkle in the eye
20, you are able to imbue an Ally with advantage on saving throws for three rounds
The Boat
21,22, Time seems to slow down, double your move speed
23,24, all your spells with a casting time of one action become bonus actions
25,26, teleport up to 60 feet provided you can see the destination
27,28,29, you become a fluid like water, interpret this as you will
30,  you become immune to poison, fire, cold and lightning for 10 minutes
The Beast
31,32, you appear to grow fangs, your next hit is a crit 
33,34, take advantage on strength-based ability checks for 10 minutes
35,36, your voice takes on a demonic Growl [advantage on intimidation]
37,38,39, you grow a barbed tail which does 2d6 piercing damage , Save versus poison
40, A shaggy Fox with unaturally long legs and glowing eyes does your bidding [speed 40, bite +5, D8 damage, eight HP]
The Sage
The Crown
The Tree
The Jug
The Mountain
The Serpent 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The library of Yushek the breeder

Treatises on the square root of two and dynamic wickednesses 
-This Tome uses mathematical proofs to bolster chaotic evil philosophies. Every day the book is read from the reader must make an opposed intelligence check versus the book (the book has a +2  int modifier). On a failed save the reader is sucked further into the arguments extolling willful wickedness. this may manifest in a change in the character's personality or it may be treated as a intelligence drain reducing a point of int per failed check. 

Missives from a salt merchant
-The missives are a series of letters written during the high River dynasty detailing a salt merchant's passage through the District. It includes tidbits of information about the fish eaters' culture as well as hints to secret smugglers' routes and perhaps clues to the location of a buried treasure.

Bestiary of the high river dynasty 
-this work contains information about a number of beasts and monsters native to the area including, myconids, cockatrice, nothics among others.

Imprecatory melodies 
-This series of short songs serve as curses which may be sung out at any time, but if the spell level exceeds that of the caster a cr of 10+spell level save must be passed or the caster must take on a level of exhaustion.

Poems by an anonymous slave
-The forward explains the erotic nature of the poems within to be an astrological allegory. Throughout the work there are marginal notes scrawled in gnomish if translated they turn out to be mostly rude. If some actual text is needed use this:

Tractate Oamn: Primitive religion among the Oamnoi
-the first chapter outlines the basic structure of the Tritheistic faith of yore. The next three chapters detail the cultus of each god, Pern the thunderer, Ulla the river source, and Melmag the sea-king. The rest of the work explores the priestly task of balancing the three forces.

Magnetism of the hidden moon
-"like a ghost, the dark moon passes through the five houses. She dances in the manner of a buckwheat queen at harvest with her suitors both drawn to and afraid of her majesty."
This ancient tome suggests that whosoever might divine the position of the hidden moon might tap into its supernal current.

Spores of truculence: the roots of fungal aggression 
-Everything you ever wanted to know about sentient mushrooms, sinister slimes and evil oozes including identification resistance and use thereof.