Narrative catalysts: Yoik gets bossy and continues to be a jerk, bullywug prisoners try to escape or are rescued, another fitful night with prophetic dreams,
Gamey bits: learn how to fight fungal animations, ...
Excerpt from The Annotated Chronolog Of The Fish-Eaters War by the Majestic Thanes' Academy: ... After the breaching of the wall in the aristocrats quarter the troops were held up at some sort of Monument where The standing guard of the surgeons guild made a valiant resistance. It was said that the fighting here was so cramped that the only useable instruments were blades less than two handbreadths in length....
Excerpt from Case Studies In Martial Jurisprudence by mother Uona Lightfeathers: ... A pincer attack was executed upon the golden domed moot hall By Silverbeard's phalanx and the Bleeding brothers. When they unhinged the triple gate using Eilikhar (a salt golem) the doom of the city became apparent after a fierce skirmish with the adepts and liturgenes.....
Excerpt from Exceptional Visions Of Lovingkindness by P.V. Mootblat: ... During the sack of Onua it is attested that Silverbeard was pinned under a raging bearded simian in the top of the astrologers' guild. By a miracle and no small act of strength he toppled the beast down a staircase with the battle cry "Delve my axe!" When asked later he claimed that the power of the ancestor θuin-hew had surged through him with spiritual electricity, this is now known as "the third sublime visitation"....