Wednesday, May 18, 2016


There are several schools of floral symbology among the Yaswan regions. There is some variance but by and large there is an understanding of what is meant symbolically by pertinent flowers. It is not uncommon to put thought into the symbolic meaning of a bouquet or to send a message through flowers. Following are a few examples including their common meanings as well as less known esoteric understanding.

Hooded Strangers
This beautiful flower harvested from the eastern Corridor bears a striking resemblance to a violet dæmon swooping down from above. It is the token of the ruling family of Bluetor, the canton to which it is native. 

Throughout the cantons it is recognized as a symbol of the planar covenant made between the families of the southern border and the archon Bsh Bsh Lana in the second aeon. This covenant promised friendship between the servants of Bsh Bsh Lana and the Yaswans and it was sealed through intermarriage between the ruling houses of both races. This was when the planar bloodline was introduced and the succeeding generations of royalty we're know as Tÿflung folk from then on.

The smell of the Hooded Stranger is not pleasant and therefore it tends to be paired with strongly fragrant flowers when arranged. In fact, it is considered very rude to either display or present this flower without some measure being taken to counter its malodorous quality.

It is used ritually in venerations of dæmons and in other Tophic rites. Most notably the summoning sequence at the feast of the covenant.

A lesser known use of it is as a treatment for infertility in men. Perhaps this stems from the shape of the petals suggesting the male sex organ. The stamen of the flowers are ground to a paste and mixed with rancid butter resulting in a foul smelling ointment. Some herbalists say that children conceived using this substance will be unlucky and unhappy but also exceptionally intelligent.

Luminous Lotus
This flower is considered more valuable than most gems or gold. Being cultivated by the monks of the isle of Bronna it may take up to a decade of expert horticultural care to fully develop the soft radiance of this long-lived flower. The secret method of cultivating the luminous Lotus is closely guarded by the monastery and is known only to a few of the monks and nuns. There is a legend which posits the luminous lotus as the ransom paid for lord Grkə when he was kidnapped by the northern families immediately prior to the unification of the cantons.

The generally understood symbolic meaning of this flower is that of: unification, prosperity, patience, and divinity.

Prior to the planar covenant the heraldic insignia of the city Praenodhiss was a lotus on a white field. Though that flag was sullied by rebellious movement, warriors of the radiant blood, which was crushed unambiguously within a decade of its formation. The new banner of Praenodhiss  was made a scarlet star with nine points on a silver field.
It is said that the monks of Bronna have a recipe for soup which primarily consists of lotus roots which is the key to their preternatural longevity. The soup is supposedly so potent in its life-giving energy that it can bring the dying back to full vigour within moments of imbibing.

This flower is overwhelmingly associated with death. The reason for this is twofold, it's strong fragrance lends it to funerary situations where the natural odours of death must be masked, and it's star-form shape ties it to Yaswan lore which links the heavenly bodies to departed ancestors. 

The scraggly edged petals inspired the first aeon poet, Dauri, to reflect, 
"the memory of my lost brother follows the painful serrated edge
but the knife is a flower so I smile."

Unknown to most is the soporific effect produced from the boiled seeds. A concentrated enough dose can produce a temporary paralysis. The initiatory Church of the yellow lark uses this oil of anointment in a rite which simulates the death of the participants.

In the common tongue this flower is called "the pink flame". It is found frequently along the coast. 
The esoteric meaning of the amuθa is warning. 

Though most would consider this a fairly unremarkable bloom it is held sacred by one of the inititiatory churches,the house of the pelican. The colouring of the flower is echoed in the vestments of the preceptors third degree. Indigo robes with white hare trim and a yellow collar makes a strong tie of the rank to the flower. The reason for the is unclear.

A folk tradition cites regret lion as an ward against nightmares. 

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